by Dr. Paul Williams, PT, DPT Since I was around sixteen, my body’s fascial connections have been forged and tempered through training in aikido. In the last several years, it has also been developed through tai chi and Shindo Yoshin Ryu. Although the role of these trainings in forming an interconnected body is not yet well…
At the 2023 TAA Gasshuku at Lake Tahoe, we worked on shomenuchi ikkyo in a class and I explained how the nage needs to initiate the technique by extending her arm toward uke’s face to draw uke’s arm into the movement. I noted that this is similar to the concept of sen no sen in Budo and provided a brief explanation. Below is…
By Dr. Paul Williams, PT, DPTFor this series, I will focus on how fascia group together muscles, myofascia, into networks called tracks, lines, or chains that can provide a transfer of force across the entire body. For part one, we will look at how these chains support the body during forward and backward rolls. In…
This paper provides background information on a well-known martial arts stance, the horse stance, and explains the proper way to practice it. General information on martial stances, including the horse stance, can be found in another paper, Stances in Martial Arts ( What is the Horse StanceThe horse stance is a key element of basic training in…
by Hoa Newens Acceptance and creation, the yin and yang of life.We cannot create without accepting first,For accepting rather than fighting the pain frees our energy to create a better future.We cannot accept without creating first,For creating hope and goodness in our heart helps us to accept the present suffering. Though, uncontrolled creation leads to impracticality,And…
by Hoa Newens What Is Gratitude When a person receives something of value from another, the recipient appreciates the gift and is thankful. A young man was in need of money for the down payment on his first home and his parents extended an interest-free loan to him; he was grateful for the favor. In…
by Hoa Newenss One of the vows that a student in our dojo makes when entering the uchideshi training program is: “My daily life is my practice”. Upon completion of the program this vow is released as “My daily life has been my practice”. Everything that happened in every moment during the committed period was…
by Hoa Newens It is the nature of the human mind to seek, and get caught up in, stimuli of various sorts, especially visual stimuli. Stillness is never a favorite of the mind; movement is more entertaining. This is a primary reason for the neglect of postural training in martial arts; how exciting is standing…
By Paul Williams It’s a wonderful thing to be back on the mat again attending seminars! Recently, I had my first official seminar since the pandemic turned endemic thanks to the incredible efficacy of the vaccines. Training in seminars again is an amazing thing for an aikidoka. For the last 2’ish years we’ve been restricted…
by Hoa NewensAs we prepare to launch the Aikido Foundations Course, we gathered our thoughts below to clarify the reasons wherefore and need of such a course. WHY BOTHER WITH THE ESSENCE? Why spend effort looking for the essence? Isn’t it good enough to come to classes regularly and just train?It is indeed good to…