trains of thought i: the anatomy of a roll
By Dr. Paul Williams, PT, DPTFor this series, I will focus on how fascia group together muscles, myofascia, into networks called tracks, lines, or chains that can provide…
the horse stance
This paper provides background information on a well-known martial arts stance, the horse stance, and explains the proper way to practice it. General information on martial stances, including…
the supreme bonsai grower and the dance of life
by Hoa Newens Acceptance and creation, the yin and yang of life.We cannot create without accepting first,For accepting rather than fighting the pain frees our energy to create…
gratitude and love
by Hoa Newens What Is Gratitude When a person receives something of value from another, the recipient appreciates the gift and is thankful. A young man was in…
by Hoa Newenss One of the vows that a student in our dojo makes when entering the uchideshi training program is: “My daily life is my practice”. Upon…
stances in martial arts
by Hoa Newens It is the nature of the human mind to seek, and get caught up in, stimuli of various sorts, especially visual stimuli. Stillness is never…